illustration of a hand inspecting with a magnifying glass a pile of cvs
Module 5

From greenhouses to hip hop: Ethnic discrimination and access to the labour market

This module focuses on how ethnic and racial discrimination influences access to the labour market, how discrimination in the labour market relates to other types of discrimination and their consequences, such as housing and segregation in cities, and how people have resisted discrimination. Zooming in on experiences of migrant workers in the European agri-food industry, the module highlights how stereotypes, prejudice and systematic discrimination affect individual biographies and inequalities.

Class duration

45 minutes


60 minutes

Suitable for:  Civics  ·  Economics  ·  Geography  ·  Social Sciences

Teaching methods:

Role play




What your students will learn

General learning outcome

Understand the different ways in which migrants and their children are discriminated against in society and particularly in their access to the labour market

Specific learning outcomes

Understand what ethnic and racial discrimination is and identify the interlinked sources of discrimination

Understand how ethnic and racial discrimination affects individual biographies

Understand the difference between individual and institutionalized discrimination

Reflect on how we can resist discrimination

Class structure and timeline

Development in class

Activity 1: Stories from greenhouses in Europe

Activity 2: What is ethnic and racial discrimination?

Activity 3: Understanding structural discrimination through hip hop


60 minutes

Option 1: Who is your role model? (ca. 60 min)

Option 2: A playlist about discrimination (ca. 60-120 min)

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